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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Notice 30 on Epidemic Prevention and Control of Changzhou in 2022
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        To contain and stop the spread of COVID-19, starting from 00:00 of March 23, Changzhou has added nine high-risk and five medium-risk areas according to the national guidelines for epidemic control and risk assessment by local anti-epidemic authority.

        The added high-risk areas are in the Qinglong sub-district of Tianning district. They are:

        Buildings 6 and 7 of Caihongcheng residential area, and Buildings 105, 115, 119, 150, 158, 163, and 174 of Qinglongyuan residential area.

        The added medium-risk areas are:

        Buildings 97, 118, 137, and 138 of Shimao Xiangbinhu residential area in the Sanjing sub-district of Xinbei district and Building 17 of Jinxiyuan residential area in the Hehuachi sub-district of Zhonglou district.

        As of this update, Changzhou currently has 10 high-risk and 13 medium-risk areas for COVID-19.

        Please keep up with our epidemic prevention and control measures. Those who violate the relevant rules, thus causing the spread of the virus, will be held legally responsible according to laws and regulations. The anti-epidemic measures will be adjusted and updated in accordance with the epidemic situation and risk assessment. Thanks for your understanding, support, and cooperation.

        Changzhou Municipal Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control

        March 23, 2022


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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