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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Annual Conference of China Yarn-Dyed Weaving Industry held in Hutang
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        Sponsored by the China Textile Industry Association, the Annual Conference of China Yarn-Dyed Weaving Industry 2014 was held by Hutang Town, Wujin District on October 18th, involving more than 200 participants from across the yarn-dyed weaving industry.

        The purpose of this conference is to exchange the current situations, advanced techniques and new products of yarn-dyed weaving industry, so as to figure out new ideas on development. Hutang, as a Characteristic Industry Base of New Yarn-dyed Fabrics included in the National Torch Plan, and the Star Town of Weaving Industry appraised by China Textile Industry Association, is selected as the host place for the conference.

        Participants of the conference also visited Wujin Mahang Yarn-Dyed Fabric Co., Ltd.,  Changzhou East Textile and Apparel Co., Ltd., etc.

        It is learned that the annual production of yarn-dyed fabrics in Hutang takes 1/5 of the country. ‘However, Hutang’s yarn-dyed weaving industry is still dominated by low- and middle-end products, which is in need of restructuring and upgrading; while this conference not only brings us new technologies and ideas, but also increased our visibility,’ said Xia Jun, deputy secretary-general of Hutang Town Chamber of Commerce.


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