Up to now in this year, Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. has issued enlending capital to 261 medium small and micro-sized enterprises for 292 times with the total volume up to RMB 4.777 billion, RMB 20 million for each on average.
Affected by current macroeconomic situation, the medium small and micro-sized enterprises in our city face increasing pressure on operating, especially for the enlending difficulty and overcharging which puts off the whole enterprise development.
In order to reduce the enlending pressure as well as the financing cost and loan risk, Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. this year actively explores a new enlending mode to serve and support medium small and micro-sized enterprises. The mode goes as follows: the Group provides capital, through the co-operative banks as the appointed trustee, in the form of entrusted loans, to the enterprises that meet the conditions of the bank credit loan.
According to the characteristics of the medium small and micro-sized enterprises, Changzhou Investment Group Co., Ltd. has joint launched many convenient service products in financing and enlending with Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank and Huaxia Bank, which has achieved good social effect.
At present, the Group’s enlending service mode gets increasingly mature and is gradually carried out in full scale.
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