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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Xinlong Forest Park launches spring camping program
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        Changzhou Xinlong Forest Park will start a new seasonal camping program on May 1 to celebrate its first anniversary and the Labor Day holiday. 

        Since it first opened for public use on May 1, 2021, the park has received a total of 2.2 million visitors, 95 percent of whom are Changzhou residents.

        For the upcoming five-day holiday beginning tomorrow, the park will host interactive entertainment events such as live music and afternoon tea to offer tourists a memorable holiday.

        Xinlong Forest Park is constructed and managed by Longcheng Tourism Holding Group. It covers an area of about 440 hectares, extending approximately 10 kilometers from the east to the west.

        With a considerable 70 percent green space, the park has more than 100,000 trees and shrubs, with 1,015 species in the families of plants such as Pinaceae, Firaceae, Aceraceae, and Magnoliaceae. 

        As the city's biggest environmental conservation project in terms of area and the diversity of plants, Xinlong Forest Park also serves as an ecological corridor and a botanical park for science popularization.


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