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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Notice on Photo Contest of Changzhou Rose Exhibition
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          The 17th Changzhou Rose Exhibition will be opened on May 13th.
          Terms of Entry:
          1.Focusing on the theme of the rose exhibition, only images taken of the attractions in Zijing Park and the rose garden in Hongmei Park will be considered for the competition. The image must have been created between May 7th and May 23rd.
          2.Images must be uploaded to the BBS of “Changzhou Paike” at the website of Changzhou (www.cz001.com.cn) before May 23rd in order to be included in the competition.
          3.The image can be black and white or color. Each image should be a maximum of 800-1500 pixels and 500K in file size, with your name and the subject in title.  Simple post-technical adjustments are acceptable, but photomontage is not allowed. Each participating authors can upload not more than 10 pictures (groups), and each group must have no more than six pictures.
          4.After uploading images, please send your name, postal address and telephone number via website message to Changzhou Daily News Photo Department.
          This photo contest will award first prize, second prize and third prize to 10 participants in total, as well as 15 awards of excellence and a number of finalists. Photos will be judged and selected on May 24th, and the results will be released at the website of Changzhou once the decisions have been made. The winning entries will be published in the special page of “Changzhou Paike” of Changzhou Daily on May 26. The awarding ceremony will be held once the date is chosen.
          Contact: Dai Wenwei, Changzhou Daily News Photo Department
          Office: 86630616 -7113   Mobile: 13861086789


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