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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Liando Group’s Changzhou project commences construction 
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        The Liando U Valley Changzhou Smart Industrial Park started construction in Changzhou National High-Tech District (CND) on December 7. 

        At the groundbreaking ceremony, eight enterprises, including Flintec, Zhuoyi Electric, Youce Electronic Technology, and Aikesi Electronic Technology, signed contracts to locate their branches in the park.

        Founded in 1991, Liando Group is a pacesetter that invests in and operates industrial service platforms. The company now runs 325 industrial parks across China.

        The Liando U Valley Changzhou Smart Industrial Park, estimated to invest one billion yuan, covers an area of about 9.7 hectares. Set to facilitate manufacturing, research, development, design, pilot-scale experiment, and headquarters office, the park will be home to enterprises mainly in next-generation information technology, smart energy, and intelligent assembly industries. 

        Through years of development, CND is now home to several renowned industrial parks such as Plainvim, GLP I-Park, and GDH, which have helped attract many outstanding foreign-invested or private enterprises into the district.


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