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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Wujin Low Carbon Demonstration Area becomes the first “Green Town” in Jiangsu
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        Wujin Low Carbon Demonstration Area makes use of solar power and smart grid; owns solar parking lot and electric vehicle charging station; adopts new wall technology to ensure the indoor temperature and reduce heating and cooling energy consumption; builds smart water system to collect rainwater and make purification; uses pneumatic conveying system to automatically transfer the waste to compression station.

        Low Carbon Club and Good-neighborly Experiencing Area have completed the main structure. The “Green Town” with the total area of 18,000 square meters is expected to be completed in early September.

        As the major part of first Low Carbon Demonstration Area in Jiangsu province, “Green Town” involves a total investment of RMB 200 million, and will save 80% of system construction energy by use of rapid assembly construction method; save 70% of energy by use of solar heating, ground source heat pump and ground pipe air system; save 60% of water by use of rain water reuse system; reduce 78% of carbon dioxide emission by use of wind and solar mixed power generation system; save 20% of system energy by use of active smart control system; save 90% of energy by use of photosynthesis, wooden roof and heat insulating wall.



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