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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        CCTC-BYD Industry Academy established in Changzhou
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        As Changzhou is a rising capital of the new energy industry, on November 9th, the Changzhou Communication Technician College (CCTC) announced the founding of the CCTC-BYD Industry Academy.

        The academy, jointly created by the CCTC, BYD Auto, and Inwinic, is equipped with six training facilities, including workshops for finished NEVs, EV battery assembly and testing, motor installation and battery charging.

        At present, the new energy industry is on the way to exponential growth, with a huge demand for high-skilled workforce. Based on statistics of the Ministry of Education, it is estimated that by 2025, the talent gap will reach 1.03 million people.  

        After the establishment, the academy will focus on five major sectors, i.e., energy generation, storage, transmission, utilization and research, to boost the long term development of the new energy industry. It will carry out cooperation with leading companies, industry associations and relevant universities in terms of talent cultivation, faculty training, project research, and skill certification.

        The academy stands as another example of industry-university collaboration. It will fully leverage the resources of the BYD Auto, introducing cutting-edge technologies to teaching and training. Meanwhile, it will provide job and internship opportunities for students. This will increase the talent retention rate in the new energy industry.


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