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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        The Thirteenth ‘5·18 Exhibition’ kicks off
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        On May 18, the 13th China (Changzhou) Advanced Manufacturing Technology Achievements Exhibition was opened at the Stadium of Changzhou University in Changzhou Science and Education Town.

        Themed with ‘talented people, intelligent manufacturing and smart industry; innovation, entrepreneurship and excellence,’ this year’s 5·18 Exhibition will further explore the ‘Changzhou model’ that integrates the ‘linkage of economy, science and education, combination of production, teaching and research, and common win of schools, institutes and enterprises.’

        The relevant authorities, innovation parks, colleges and leading enterprises will organize over 100 activities, such as talent and investment attraction, release of technological achievements and projects, project matchmaking, project negotiation and signing, opening of production, groundbreaking and unveiling ceremonies, etc.


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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