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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Facial recognition system installed in Changzhou train station
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        Police have arrested 137 fugitives in East China's Jiangsu province after a facial recognition system was installed in railway stations around the province, reports chinanews.com.

        Changzhou, Yixing, Zhenjiang, and Nanjing South are three of the train stations where the facial recognition system has been installed. 

        Local officials said the system alerts the police if a suspect is recognized as they enter the station. In one case, a fugitive, surnamed Li, was reported to police and was captured within 10 minutes of entering Changzhou train station on July 8.

        Thanks to big data and facial recognition technology, the accuracy of the system has been increasing. It has also improved the efficiency of police operations.


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