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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Statistical Communique of Changzhou on the 2015 Local Economic and Social Development (Part VII)
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        VII. Transportation, Post, Telecommunications and Tourism

        The local transportation developed smoothly. By end of 2015, the total length of highways in Changzhou reached 9,000 km with 306 km of expressways. In 2015, the total passenger traffic stood at 82.934 million persons, down by 0.8% over 2014. The total freight traffic reached 130 million tons, up by 2.8% over 2014. The Passenger traffic handled by highways fell by 2.8% to 65.77 million persons and the passenger flows were 4.07 billion person-kilometers, down by 2.9% over 2014. The freight traffic handled by highways grew by 3.4% to 110 million tons and the freight flows were 11.64 billion ton-kilometers, up by 4.7% over 2014. The passenger traffic handled by railways increased by 11% to 13.692 million persons. Passengers and freight&mails handled by civil aviation reached 1.811 million persons and 18,000 tons respectively. Besides, the volume of freight handled by ports stood at 89.84 million tons, among which the volume handled by  the Changzhou Yangtze River Port hit 36.19 million tons. By end of 2015, the total number of motor vehicles for civilian use grew by 10.9% to 968,000 in the city, among which privately- owned  motor vehicles grew by 13.1% to 822,000.

        Post and telecommunications services grew relatively fast. The total turnover and revenue of post services reached 2.93 billion and 2.6 billion RMB, up by 34.3% and 31.6% respectively. The express mail delivery stood at 120 million units, up by 46.9%. Moreover, express companies above the designated size made 1.74 billion RMB from their primary business, with an year-on-year increase of 40%. The telecommunications services registered a total revenue of 5.27 billion RMB, down by 2.2% over 2014. By end of 2015, there were 1.33 million fixed-line phone subscribers and 5.339 million mobile phone subscribers. Of the total mobile phone subscribers, 1.322 million were 3G-service subscribers and 2.604 million were 4G-service subscribers. In addition, internet users grew by 25.3% to 1.998 million, among which 1.995 million were broadband users, up by 26.7% over 2014.

        Tourism enjoyed a steady growth. In 2015, the local tourism sector generated a total revenue of 73.1 billion RMB, with a year-on year growth of 11.7%. Of the total, the revenue from domestic tourism grew by 12.3% to 71.84 billion RMB and the revenue generated by international visits topped 121 million US dollars, up by 18.8% over the previous year. The city received 54.557 million throughout the year, up by 9.1% over 2014. Of the total, 54.43 million were domestic tourists, up by 9.1% and 127,000 were inbound overnight visitors, up by 5.4%. By end of 2015, Changzhou boasted 3 provincial and 1 national holiday resorts, and 33 national Class-A tourist attractions, among which were 2 5A attractions and 9 4A attractions. The city also had 17 national industrial and agricultural tourist demonstration sites, 25 4-star provincial countryside tourist sites, 3 provincial industrial tourist sites, and 6 provincial tourist bases for self-drive travels. There were also 140 local travel agencies and one of them made it to the top 20 in Jiangsu. Besides, there were 56 star hotels, among which were 8 5-star hotels and 21 4-star hotels. Tourist attractions were also enriched and upgraded in 2015. For example, the Tian Muhu Lake Resort was selected as one of the first national holiday resorts and the Changdang Lake Resort was designated as a provincial holiday resort. In addition, the 5A Yan-city tourist site passed the national review and the Baosheng Park and the South Jiangsu Gloabl Harbor Shopping Mall were newly opened up. Moreover, Changzhou became a Taiwan- free-travel source city in 2015. And new international air routes were opened to Japan, Taiwan, etc.


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