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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Xiaohuangshan Culture and Art Festival & Painting Exhibition of Ukraine People's Meritorious Artists opens
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        On May 1, the Xiaohuangshan Culture and Art Festival & Painting Exhibition of Ukraine People's Meritorious Artists was opened in Xiaohuangshan, Menghe Town, Xinbei District. Deputy Mayor Fang Guoqiang attended the opening ceremony and made a speech. Representatives from the city’s culture and education sector, and the Ukraine culture and arts delegation headed by Андрей Чебыкин, Chancellor of Ukrainian National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, attended the ceremony.

        The organizer Xiaohuangshan Culture and Art Gallery is a private art gallery with three exhibition halls respectively displaying painting, sculpture and random-stitch embroidery. With the purpose of involving art into life, the gallery exhibits, collects and studies the works of China modern artists. The gallery regularly holds seminar and exhibition to popularize aesthetic education and promote art exchanges between China and foreign countries. Besides, the gallery is devoted to collecting and promoting modern works of oil painting and sculpture from Russia and Ukraine.


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