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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Chuncheon culture and arts delegation visits Changzhou
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        As part of the “Cultural 100" program of Changzhou, the 5th China-South Korea Changzhou Art Exhibition was held in late September.

        Vice Mayor Fang Guoqiang met with the culture and arts delegation from Chuncheon.

        Chuncheon is the capital of Gangwon Province in South Korea. The city lies in the north of the county, located in a basin formed by the Soyang River and Han River. It is a popular destination among east Asian tourists as it was featured in the popular Korean drama Winter Sonata. It is where the resort island of Namiseom is located.

        Changzhou and Chuncheon were officially twinned in 2011. Since then, the two sides have carried out a number of art exhibitions and cultural exchange activities.


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