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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Generation-Z undergraduates planning their “Dream Party” in Changzhou
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        Recently, a group of the Generation-Z students (also known as the “Post-90s”) who were born in Changzhou and are currently studying in some famous universities both at home and abroad has planned a grand “Dream Party” to be held between August 6th and August 11th, that is, the creative camp called “Plan for Future”.

        Jiang Chun, the initiator of this camp, graduated from Jiangsu Changzhou Senior High School last year and is now an undergraduate of Cornell University in the United States. Before the camp, Jiang has established a realizable platform called “Yi Pai Qing Cheng” in Chinese and “Yep” in English.

        The main venue of this camp is located in Jiangsu Changzhou Senior High School. It is composed of seven events with different themes, during which there will be 13 special activities divided into four sections of art, experience, life and thinking, according to the participants’ proposals.

        In this camp, the participants will be able to observe the city, get to know themselves and have a try of their dream careers through in-depth thinking and practical experience.


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