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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Important Notice on Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures in Changzhou
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        Given the rapid rate of spread as seen in current COVID-19 outbreaks in the Chinese mainland this autumn and winter, we must remain vigilant to solidify the defense against imported cases and local flare-ups. To prevent the spread of the virus, this notice is issued as follows:

        1. Those coming or returning to Changzhou from medium or high-risk areas or those whose travel histories overlap any confirmed cases should inform their communities, villages, employers, or hotels as soon as possible. A mandatory 14-day quarantine will be imposed on all arriving travelers starting from their departure day, after which they will have to complete seven days of isolation at home. Other required protocols during this period include taking nucleic acid tests and undergoing health monitoring.

        2. Those coming or returning to Changzhou from low-risk areas of any city with medium or high-risk regions where locally confirmed cases have occurred should provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate issued within 48 hours of their departure. They should also inform their communities, villages, employers, or hotels within 12 hours of their arrival. Other required protocols include taking nucleic acid tests and undergoing health monitoring.

        3. Please do not leave the city unless necessary. Anyone leaving the city must provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate issued within 48 hours of their departure. Before your trip, please be informed of the risk level and control measures of the destination. Keep your mask on during your travels. If you are traveling to a city with medium or high-risk areas, please keep track of your whereabouts and report the information once you return to Changzhou. Other required protocols include taking nucleic acid tests and undergoing health monitoring.

        4. Please maintain health precautions such as wearing a mask when going out, washing hands regularly, ventilating rooms more often, limiting travel, and avoiding crowds or gatherings. Seek medical treatment at the closest fever clinic as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, and diarrhea show. Keep your mask on and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment. Inform medical staff of your whereabouts and contact history over the previous 14 days.

        5. The weather is getting colder at a significant rate. Please stay warm in the cold season and protect yourself from respiratory illnesses such as a cold. Effective ventilation can help keep bacteria and viruses out of the indoor air. An appropriate amount of outdoor workouts may help your body adjust to colder weather. Healthy foods can help strengthen your immune system.

        Changzhou Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Center of Pneumonia Caused by the Novel Coronavirus

        November 8, 2021


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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