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        Changchai’s brand value reaches 3.757 billion yuan
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        According to the Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in China 2014 released by the World Brand Lab (WBL) in Beijing. Changchai, the brand of Changchai Co., Ltd., was selected into the list for 11 straight years, ranking the 404th with the assessed value of 3.775 billion yuan.

        Changchai is a leading corporation in the area of agricultural machinery, specialized in the development and production of single-cylinder and multi-cylinder diesel engines. It has a majority share of the diesel engine market in China. In 2013, the company achieved 2.928 billion yuan in sales revenue.

        When the Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in China was firstly announced in 2004, the assessed value of Changchai was 1.581 billion yuan, which kept growing in 11 years, and has risen by 2.194 billion yuan up to now. Last year, the assessed value of Changchai was 3.282 billion yuan, which soared by approximately 500 million yuan within one year.


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