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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Changzhou establishes the first downtown sub-district federation of literary and art circles
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        On September 13th, Hongmei Sub-district Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first downtown sub-district federation of literary and art circles in Changzhou, was officially established.

        In the general assembly of the federation, the Report on the Preparations for Hongmei Sub-district Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Articles of Hongmei Sub-district Federation of Literary and Art Circles were reviewed and approved. Tian Jianhua was elected as president of the first session of the federation, Wang Xiaoxia was elected as vice-president, and Xu Qiuqin was elected as secretary general.

        There are five arts associations managed by the federation, engaged in painting, music and dance, drama, photography, and folk customs respectively.


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