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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        24 Solar Terms: Autumn Equinox
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        Autumn Equinox lies at the midpoint of autumn, dividing autumn into two equal parts. After that day, the location of direct sunlight moves to the south, making days shorter and nights longer in the northern hemisphere. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Autumn Equinox, the 16th solar term of the year, begins this year on Sept 23 and ends on Oct 7.

        Cool autumn

        As it is said in the ancient book, The Detailed Records of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), "It is on Autumn Equinox day that the Yin and Yang are in a balance of power. Thus the day and night are of equal length, and so are the cold and hot weather."

        By Autumn Equinox, most of the areas in China have entered the cool autumn. When the cold air heading south meets the declining warm and wet air, precipitation is the result. The temperature also drops frequently.

        Season for eating crab

        In this season, crab is delicious. It helps nourish the marrow and clear heat inside the body.

        Season for eating various plants

        By Autumn Equinox, olives, pears, papayas, chestnuts, beans, and other plants enter their phase of maturation. It is time to pick and eat them.

        Season for enjoying osmanthus

        The Autumn Equinox is the time to smell the fragrance of osmanthus.

        Season for enjoying chrysanthemums

        Autumn Equinox also is a good time to enjoy chrysanthemums in full bloom.

        Standing eggs on end

        On Autumn Equinox day, thousands of people around the world try to make eggs stand on end. This Chinese custom has become the world's game.


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