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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        RMB 8.11 million raised in “Charity Donation Day”
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          Learned from Changzhou MunicipalCharity Federation, the event of “Charity Donation Day” has been concluded, and the donation collected from 215 units reached RMB 5.47 million.
          Since the “Charity Donation Day” held on December 20, 2011, it has attracted the broad masses to participate in. The donation will be used for subsistence allowance. In addition, Xinbei District, Tianning District, Zhonglou District and Qishuyan District also organized the donation event and raised the amount of RMB 2.65 million.
          In 2012, according to “ten practical things” determined by the municipal government, Changzhou Charity Federation will continue to carry out the charity events to aid orphans and people in straitened circumstance.




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