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        Changzhou’s two choirs crowned B-Class Choir at the 14th CICF
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        From July 19 to 25, the 14th China International Chorus Festival (CICF) & IFCM Choral Education Conference, jointly organized by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM), and other institutions, was held in Beijing. More than 15,000 members of 308 choirs from across the globe participated in the event.

        Changzhou Huasheng Choir and Changzhou Qingyun Choir stood out from over 300 choirs and won the title B-Class Choir respectively at the mixed choir section and the children's choir section .

        Founded in 1992 and held once every two years, CICF is China’s only state-level international chorus festival approved by the state council.

        Also featuring the IFCM World Choral Education Conference, the 14th CICF included a total of 263 events related to choral music including charity concerts, workshops, and courses.

        According to the organizers, this year, the festival cooperated with the China Children and Teenagers' Fund and four other institutions, in funding nine children's choirs from impoverished areas to allow the children to take part in the festival and sing on a grander stage.

        Founded in 1992, the CICF has attracted over 2,000 choirs and 60,000 choral music lovers from all over the world in its previous 13 editions.


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