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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        CNC and robotics industries to achieve annual growth of 20%
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        Changzhou’s CNC and robotics industries have a good foundation. In the last two years, the two sectors have been rapidly expanding the industrial chains through investment attraction.

        Currently, the city's CNC industry is mainly located in Wujin and Xinbei Districts, while the robotics industry is mainly in Wujin District, both involving a number of major companies.

        Although the robotics industry has just started in Changzhou, it has already involved the robot project invested by Yaskawa Electric Corporation, a world-renowned and top-ranked professional manufacturer of industrial robots in Japan, and the technology transfer base of Changzhou Mingseal Robotic Technology Co., Ltd.

        Based on the current status of CNC and robotics industries, Changzhou has proposed the concept of growing towards ‘large scale, corporate group and international market.’ The commerce departments will hold thematic investment activities both at home and abroad to promote the related industrial parks and major companies.


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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