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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Changzhou’s software and information services moving into a high-growth period
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        Currently, Changzhou has one of the country’s top 100 software companies, six provincial key software enterprises, 219 certified software enterprises and 1,073 certified software products. Among them, a number of leading enterprises like Guoguang Information, Tiandi (Changzhou) Automation, and so on are playing a significant role in the industry, and the regional e-commerce companies represented by Tao Changzhou are growing rapidly. The Creative Industries Park in Xinbei District is taking a leading position in the city's software, e-commerce services, animation games, and creative advertising.

        This year, Changzhou has launched a series of policies to support the development of creative industries in aspects of personnel training, financing guarantee, etc. The next stage, the city's software and information service industry will actively promote new information service sectors like cloud computing, networking, mobile Internet, big data, smart city, etc.  

        This year, the city’s software and information service industry is expected to reach sales revenue of over 40 billion yuan, aiming at 50 billion yuan the next year.


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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