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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Canal 5 cultural block designated as a National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base
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        In 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the PRC recognized 69 sites nationwide as National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Bases. This acknowledgment comes following recommendations from local authorities and panel assessments. Among the recognized sites, three are located in Jiangsu, including the Shazhou Youhuang (millet wine) cultural park in Suzhou, the vinegar museum in Zhenjiang, and the Canal 5 cultural block in Changzhou, bringing the total count in the province to six.

        Industrial tourism, as defined by the National Criteria for Industrial Tourism Demonstration Base, is a form of tourism that combines site visits, sightseeing, immersive experiences, and shopping within existing factories, enterprises, and projects. These National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Bases serve as exemplary models for the development of industrial tourism.

        The Canal 5 cultural block, situated on the southern bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, has been transformed based on the industrial heritage of a textile factory from the 1930s. Today, the old streets, alleys, and factories have been interconnected to create a unique and functional cultural block with a distinctive ambiance.


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