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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Statistical Communique of Changzhou on the 2015 Local Economic and Social Development (Part IX)
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        IX. Science and Technology Innovation

        Local innovation continued to rise. In 2015, 38,559 patent applications were made, among which were 13,211 invention patent applications. 21,585 patents were granted, among which were 2,664 invention patents. Patents per 10,000 persons reached 18.78. Besides, 140 hi-tech companies were established in 2015, bringing the city’s total to 1,126. The output value of hi-tech companies above the designated size hit 497.56 billion RMB, taking up 43.4% of the total output value of industrial enterprises above the designated size. Furthermore, 530 national and provincial science and technology programs were approved with a total national and provincial funding of 530 million RMB. In addition, 1,116 industry-academy-research integration projects were newly created in 2015. Research and development ( R&D ) expenditures in 2014 accounted for 2.61% of the GDP.

        Innovation platforms were accelerated. In 2015, 73 new provincial and national corporate R&D institutions were created, bringing the city’s total “Two Stations and Three Centers” R&D entities to 1,159. Of the total, 602 were national and provincial R&D entities. In addition, 16 incubators and accelerators were established with a floor space of over 1 million m2. By end of 2015, Changzhou boasted a total number of 108 incubators and accelerators

        with an aggregate floor space of over 8 million m2. Construction work on the Jiangsu Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center and four provincial industrial research institutes was advanced, and two out of the four institutes were officially inaugurated. Moreover, 20 key municipal public R&D institutes were either completed or upgraded in 2015.

        South Jiangsu Innovation Demonstration Zone was advanced. The main framework of the South Jiangsu Innovation Demonstration Zone ( Changzhou section ) was basically established with the Changzhou Science and Education Town as its core, Changzhou National Hi-tech District and Wujin National Hi-tech Industrial Zone as its key parts and multiple industrial parks as its main components. The China-Israel ( Changzhou ) Innovation Park was accelerated and the city’s key-talent- innovation-driven strategy generated noticeable benefits. In addition, the provincial Science and Technology Service Demonstration Zone in the Science and Education Town was regarded as a featured demonstration zone. The Wujin National High-tech Industrial Zone and the Jiangnan Graphene Research Institute were designated as regional science & technology service pilot zone and industrial science & technology service pilot institute respectively by the Ministry of Science and Technology.


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