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          Home | Simplified Chinese | Japanese | Korean
        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Changzhou’s Urban Industry Promotion Conference in Hongkong to be held in November
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            On November 19th to 23th, , Changzhou will hold 8th Urban Industry Promotion Conference in Hong Kong, aiming to displaying Changzhou’s advantages and prospects of urban industry and realizing further industrial cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win effect.

                Hong Kong is the most important source of foreign investment in ChangzhouCity. The Hongkong-invested enterprises inChangzhoureached 2700 and the actual paid-up foreign capital achieved 5.8 billion US dollars. In recent years, the friendly exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between two sides became more and more closely. SixChangzhounative enterprises including Trauson Holdings Company Limited were listed inHong Kong, raising the funds of 2.45 billion yuan. In this activity,Changzhouwill introduce a number of infrastructure, trade flows, urban complexes, tourism and manufacturing investment projects, so as to make Hong Kong businessmen further understandChangzhou, invest inChangzhou, and develop inChangzhou.



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