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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Changzhou schools reopen on a staggered schedule
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        Starting from November 10, schools across the city began to reopen in a staggered manner with COVID protocols to safeguard students and teachers from getting infected.

        Changzhou Tianjiabing High School implemented operating procedures such as sanitization of the campus, wearing masks properly, staggered entry of students, and staggered dining hours. Students need to take temperature checks upon entering the school and their classrooms. If a student’s body temperature is higher than usual, the school will inform the parents to take the student to a designated hospital for a diagnosis.  

        On November 10, Huaideyuan Elementary School conducted an exercise for pandemic response, getting ready to ensure the safe return of students the next day.

        It is learned that in the first week of class resumption, the health authority will carry out nucleic acid tests for 10 percent of each school’s faculty members and students.

        However, students and teachers currently in lockdown or controlled areas will not be allowed to return until further notice. Online tutoring will be provided for these students to help them keep up with their classmates.


        Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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