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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Wujin selected into the first batch of 17 Demonstration Bases for Popular Entrepreneurship & Innovation
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        Recently, the State Council issued the Opinions on Building Demonstration Bases for Popular Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and announced the first batch of 17 Demonstration Bases for Popular Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Wujin District is one of them.

        The China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park was set up in Wujin four years ago, which has settled 41 Israeli companies in fields of advanced agriculture, high-end medical devices, machinery manufacturing, etc.

        In addition to the China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park, Wujin has also co-established a number of industrial parks with investment and R&D institutions from Germany, Finland, the United States and other countries, such as the China-Finland Green Technology Park with an initial investment of 213 million euros, which has introduced many Finnish and Nordic green building enterprises.

        In Wujin, there are more than 5,000,000 square meters of facilities for business startups and innovations by the general public, including five national incubators and 18 provincial incubators, with more than 800 businesses in incubation.

        Wujin has also established its seven major emerging industries of graphene, intelligent equipment, energy saving and environmental protection, health, internet, rail transportation, and green building. Among them, the graphene industry in Wujin is taking the lead in China; while the rail transportation industry involves 163 enterprises, with the output value of 32 billion yuan last year.


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