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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Liyang to build Chinese Dawn Monkey Wetland Park
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            The provincial-level Chinese Dawn Monkey Wetland Park is located at Changdang Lakeside in Shanghuang Town, Liyang. Its planning area contains the wetland of Changdang Lake and the ruins of Shuimu Mount, where the fossils of Eosimias sinensis (“dawn monkey of China”) were discovered. The park will take an area of 517 hectares, including 287 hectares of wetland, a coverage of 55%. There are different types of wetlands, such as lake, river,  aquaculture water and so on. The biodiversity is rich, which plays an active role in wetland water purification. The construction of Wetland Park is of great significance to improve the wetland resources of Changdang Lake and to protect the ruins of Shuimu Mount. 


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