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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        A technological system developed by Wujin selected into National Excellent Projects of Geographic Information Industry
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        Recently, the “Information System of Survey and Comprehensive Management of Underground Pipelines in Wujin District” developed by Wujin District Planning Bureau has been selected into the list of National Excellent Projects of Geographic Information Industry.

        As Wujin’s major project of mapping and information technology in 2013, the system  contains three phases of survey on pipelines covering a total area of 473.21 square kilometers with an overall length of 4,515.62 kilometers. Based on the circumstances, the system further integrated the data of pipeline, planning and topography of Wujin’s urban area, clarified the management process of pipeline planning, solved the difficulties of data sharing and exchanging among different sectors, and realized practical and comprehensive services in application of CAD.

        Furthermore, this system has achieved a breakthrough in its application in major city construction projects like subway, and has produced good economic and social benefits, serving as a strong backing of pipeline data management and sustainable development of city construction in Wujin.


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