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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Integrated Reconstruction of Changzhou Railway Station is in progress
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        Recently in Beijing, the Engineering Design and Appraisal Center of China Railway Corporation held a conference on engineering design and review of the reconstruction project of Wuxi, Changzhou, Zhenjiang and Danyang Stations along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway. Compiled by the 4th Railway Survey and Design Institute, the document, Preliminary Design of Reconstruction Project of Zhenjiang, Danyang, Changzhou and Wuxi Stations along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, was reviewed during the conference. The conference symbolized the substantive progress of the integrated reconstruction of Changzhou Railway Station.

        Based on the Agreement of Integrated Reconstruction of Changzhou Railway Station, signed by Changzhou Municipal People's Government and Shanghai Railway Bureau, the reconstruction includes canopies, overpasses, underpasses, platforms and station yard facility. The south and north squares of Changzhou Railway Station will be linked by overpasses. Once the exit underpass is reconstructed, passengers can choose to enter either square when they get out of the station.

        At present, the underpass to the west of the south square is the easiest access to the two squares.


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