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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Wang Songming, former vice general manager of Shangshang Cable, titled Good Person of China
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        On June 15, it was informed that Wang Songming, former vice general manager of Jiangsu Shangshang Cable Group was listed in the Good Person of China in May.

        Wang Songming, born in 1962, was the technical leader of the third-generation AP1000 containment cable program from 2010 to 2012, during which he suffered from stomach cancer but still worked day and night. In September 2012 he passed away in the workplace, only 50 years old at death.

        According to reports, in April 2013, the world's first AP1000 containment cable was delivered, which marks the success in the R&D of third-generation AP1000 containment cable and fills the technology gaps of nuclear power industry.


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