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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Huaying Foundation grants over 6 million yuan in 20 years
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        On the morning of August 2nd, the 20th anniversary of Changzhou Huaying Culture & Education Foundation was held in Jiangsu Changzhou Senior High School. Yu Jianxin, vice president of the Huaying Foundation, attended the ceremony. Yang Jian, vice chairman of the standing committee of Changzhou Municipal People’s Congress, and Wang Chengbin, deputy mayor of Changzhou, attended the ceremony and presented awards to the winners.

        In the ceremony, a total of 125 teachers and students were awarded by the Huaying Foundation, among which 25 senior high school students received "Huaying Scholarship", 50 students obtained “Huaying Student Award”, and 50 teachers claimed “Huaying Teacher Award”. The total amount of these awards is 383,000 yuan.

        The Huaying Foundation was established by Yu Jizhong, founder of the China Times, in August 1994 with a fund of one million U.S. dollars. Yu was born in Changzhou in 1910. Since the Huaying Foundation was established 20 years ago, it has provided awards or financial aids for 4,446 people with a subtotal of 6,733,800 yuan.


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