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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Jiangsu province offers free HPV vaccines to female students
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        More than 240,000 female students in Jiangsu province are set to receive free HPV shots this year, with the aim of preventing cervical cancers, which are predominantly caused by human papillomavirus. The provincial health commission has allocated 172 million yuan ($26 million) to fund the vaccination program.

        According to the World Health Organization, 99.7% of cervical cancers are linked to HPV infection, making the HPV vaccine the most effective method for preventing this cancer. Some regions in China, such as Chongqing, Shaanxi province, and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, have already launched free trial programs for school girls, and in 2022, four cities in Jiangsu took the lead in providing free HPV vaccines to middle school girls. In Nanjing, students can choose between free domestic HPV vaccines or imported ones, with those who choose the latter receiving discounts of up to 492 yuan.

        The domestically produced bivalent HPV vaccine offered free of charge in Jiangsu follows a two-dose immunization program. The first dose should be administered before the end of May, and the second dose should be given six months after the first..


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