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        English About Changzhou Mayor’s Mailbox Government Bulletin Latest News Laws and Regulations
        Over 16,500 Changzhou students sit for gaokao exam
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        From June 7 to 9, over 16,500 Changzhou students, most of whom were born in 2000, sat for the national college entrance exam, or gaokao. Given that most of them were born at the turn of the new millennium, they are bound to attract attention. The exam is an important part of the country's talent selection process that has evolved over the 41 years since its restoration in 1977.

        This year, according to a statement of the Ministry of Education in March, it will eliminate some preferential provisions that award bonus points to some students' total score, as part of its effort to promote a more fair and scientific selection process.

        There will also be 2,311 new majors to choose this year, many of which are oriented toward science and technology's new front - big data and artificial intelligence. Around 250 colleges will set up courses on "data science and big data technology" and around 60 colleges will add "robotic engineering" as a new major. Cyberspace security is also a new option in this year's major selection.


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